See here how to find the park's LUZCAR at Faro Airport.
The minimum age for car rental is 21 years and the driver must have their driving license for over two years. If the license is not issued in the Latin alphabet (ie, Arabic, Greek, Russian or Chinese), will require a International Driving License (LIC), attached to the original license.
It is permissible to drive your car rental in Spain. In other European countries are not allowed to drive vehicles rented by LUZCAR.
In case of accident is strictly necessary to call the authorities (112) and fill out the accident report (with or without guilt). If it is proven that the driver was driving under influence of alcohol or narcotics, the customer will be required to pay all costs of the damage caused to the car.
No. LUZCAR does not offer any type of navigation equipment in our rental cars.
In some groups,roof racks may be available upon request. Therefore, please contact LUZCAR.
Yes Our group H is automatic.
Yes You should select the "baby seat" or "booster" on the booking form.
Yes should just mention it to the representative of LUZCAR at the time of the contract.